Exam Formats
We tailor our tutoring to meet your child’s unique strengths and areas of improvement.
Exam Formats We Cover
We prepare students for the leading 11+ exam formats, ensuring they are fully equipped for success:
FSCE 11+
Targeted tutoring designed for students taking the Future Stories Community Enterprise (FSCE) exams.
GL Assessments 11+
Comprehensive preparation using practice papers aligned with the GL Assessment exam format.
ISEB 11+
Expert guidance for students tackling the Independent Schools Education Board (ISEB) Common Entrance exams.
Why you should choose us?
Tru Tuition is committed to empowering your child to achieve their academic dreams through our tailored, effective, and interactive learning approach. Let us guide your child to success!
- 100% success rate in preparing students for 11+ exams.
- Over five years of expertise in 11+ preparation.
- Personalised attention with a maximum of 7 students per class.
- Virtual classes fit around your child's schedule.
- No-cost initial assessment to tailor the best learning path for your child.